Wise Old Goats

Martin Luther is credited with this interesting story.

Two mountain goats meet each other on a narrow ledge just wide enough for one of the animals. On the left there is a sheer cliff, and on the right a deep lake below. The two face each other. What should they do? They cannot back up — that would be too dangerous; they cannot turn around because the ledge is too narrow. Now, if the goats had no more sense than some people, they would meet head on and start butting each other until they fell into the lake below.

Luther tells us that goats have better sense than that. One lies down on the trail and lets the other literally walk over him — and both are safe. They must be willing (at least one of them) to humbly lie down and let the other pass over him. If they were like some folks, they would argue about WHO should lie down and WHO should walk over; but evidently “Goat-sense” is common sense.

Is there any need to make an application to ourselves? How often our stubbornness results in tragedy. How hard to be the least, to humble ourselves for the best interest of both. We hear folks say, “I’m going to stand up for my rights!” How much better it would be to meekly “suffer wrong” and be the least. It is a hard lesson to learn. Another says, “It’s the principle of the thing I’m fighting for. It’s not the few pennies involved, or the insults I’ve born — but I must defend my principles!”

Remember the PRINCIPLE thing is LOVE, and the Bible says “LOVE … is kind; seeks not its own” (1 Corinthians 13:4, 5). Better allow yourself to be “walked over” than to quarrel.


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