Why Snakes Don’t Have Legs

A Bible Story for Boys and Girls

Did you ever wonder why snakes don’t have legs? If you ever went to the zoo maybe you saw all kinds of snakes—big ones and little ones, black ones, brown ones and green ones; but you never saw a snake that had legs. Do you know why snakes do not have legs? Well, God’s Word, the Bible tells us just why snakes do not have legs.

When God made the first man and woman He placed them in a beautiful garden that was filled with all kinds of fruit—apples, grapes, peaches, pears and many other kinds. God told them they could eat of the fruit of every tree but one; if they did eat of that tree God said they would die.

But the wicked person the Bible calls the Devil went into that beautiful garden in the form of a snake. He told the woman that if she and her husband would eat of the tree that God said they should not eat of they would not die. So the woman disobeyed God and ate of that tree and so did her husband. When they did they sinned against God and, later on, they died, just as God said they would. So you see, boys and girls, what God tells us is the truth. What the Devil tells us is a lie. After the Devil lied to that woman God said that the snake would never, never have legs, but would crawl on the ground as the snake has done for thousands of years.

All boys and girls sometimes disobey their parents or do other things that are wrong. So “ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23) is a verse we read in the Bible. Yes, all boys and girls are sinners because they sin.

But one day Jesus, God’s Son, let wicked men nail Him to a cross and He suffered, shed His blood and died. The Bible says: “Jesus died for our sins” (1 Corinthians 15:3). Because He died for our sins we can have them all forgiven, if we will ask Him to come into our heart and we trust Him as our Saviour, because He loved us and died for us.

Maybe you have never trusted the Lord Jesus to be your Saviour. But now you would like to come to Him to be forgiven and to be saved for this life and for eternity. Well, Jesus is at the door of your heart, for He says: “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man (or boy or girl) hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with them, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20).

Just think the living Lord Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords, is inviting you to trust him, to open your hart to receive Him and to be saved! What a wonderful moment, what a wonderful day in your life it will be. Just close your eyes in prayer….. and come believing right now.

—Fred Cowell.

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