1. PETER who denied the Lord with curses, is the pastor of this church.
  2. MATTHEW and ZACCHAUS, who were collaborators of questionable honesty, are also shepherds.
  3. THOMAS, the unbeliever.
  4. PABLO, who consented to Esteban’s murder.
  5. MARK, the deserter. They are all leaders.
  6. MARIA MAGDALENA, freed from 7 demons, is also in the group.
  7. THE HARLOT WOMAN, who followed Jesus to the house of SIMON the Pharisee, sings in the choir.
  8. THE BEGGAR who had begged for alms next to the beautiful Gate, and who had received social assistance from the government, is today an usher.
  9. LAZARO, covered with pustules, extremely poor, is part of the group.
  10. THE EVILMAN, who was crucified for his criminal activities, shakes his hand of welcome.
  11. THE WOMAN OF SAMARIA, who had been married 5 (five) times, who had lived with her sixth husband, has now converted and entered the Ladies’ Society.
  12. AND THE WOMAN FOUND IN ADULTERY, she is married and happy, teaching a Sunday School class.

What a collection of this church of Jesus Christ! Was there ever such a fellowship? They were part of it blind, lame, lepers, deaf, paralyzed, demon-possessed, a former prison chief, a former centurion, a former Pharisee and some former priests. They include the secretary of the treasury of Ethiopia, the palace servants of the Roman Caesar, and we are not yet out of the first century.

Anyone seeking prestige and social position had better look elsewhere. What does this group of human beings have in common? What they have in common is that they have admitted their guilt and have been forgiven. And what is it that holds them together? Only the love of Jesus Christ, which is the forgiveness and grace of God. There is practically nothing else. But, thank Christ, that’s enough!

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