Missionary Chorus Quiz

  1. A missionary just landed his Speed-the-Light plane in an African village. The native chief, who had received some education at an English school, was so anxious to converse with this missionary in English that he said, “What shall we talk about?” The missionary replied, “Let’s Talk About Jesus.”
  2. After a dedication service on Speed-the-Light day, a certain fellow felt God’s call on his life for missionary service. If he were completely yielded to God, what would he sing? “I’ll Go Where You Want Me To Go.”
  3. One morning in the back country of El Salvador, a missionary was travelling by burro to a village that had never heard the gospel. Because of the rain and then hot sun, he developed laryngitis and lost his voice. Just as he was wondering how he would preach, a gang of robbers jerked him off the burro. They stole his knapsack, provisions and burro and left the poor voiceless missionary standing in the middle of the trail. What song might have run thro’ his mind at that moment? “Whisper A Prayer.”
  4. The missionaries in a fairly well educated part of France decided to use a Speed-the-Light airplane for a new form of witnessing. They towed a large banner across the town’s sky. It only had room for four words and these are the name of a song, “Christ Is The Answer.”
  5. One day a missionary was traveling in his Speed-the-Light Jeep and he came to a raging river that was deeper than the sides of his Jeep. What song might he have thought of? “Got Any Rivers.”
  6. At a convention, the missionary were agreeing together how every native in this country had a right to hear about Christ. What theme song did they choose to show this belief? “Everybody Ought To Know?
  7. A missionary was chained to the stake by angry witch doctors who didn’t like him preaching Christ. As they held the torch ready to light the wood surrounding the missionary, they asked if he had any last words. His words were, “Safe Am I.”

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