During the past ten years, an army of thousands, and even millions, has invaded one country because they have arrived one by one, appearing innocent and harmless, and no one has suspected their potential power. It will not be very long, however, until our nation will awaken to the fact that this innocent and harmless army will have taken over our country, and every other nation of our world.

Members of this army will publish our newspapers, operate our radio and television stations, control our churches, and teach in our schools. They will capture political offices on the local, district, state, and national levels, and will be in positions of power in our Capitol to the extent that the nation will be at their mercy. They will take over business and industry. Complete authority will be in their hands. All that will remain for the rest of us will be to submit to their power.

This army, of course, is an army of children. Your children…. My children. …. The children down the street…. The children of the towns and cities…. The children you see playing in the parks. The children we have in our Sunday Schools and in our churches and Vacation Bible Schools. We…. You and I…. have the power to decide whether these future conquerors are to be ungodly….. or Christian. May God give us the power to make an impact for Him. It is urgent that we do something now!


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