Don’t Forget Discipline

D — DISCOVER your students (Proverbs 22:6). Train children “according to their bent.” See each child as a unique individual.

I — INTERCEDE for them (1 John 5:14-15). Pray for each child by name.

S — SET good standards (Philippians 3:12-14). Make rules simple and few, always based on biblical principles. Keep your word and when you make a mistake, admit it.

C — CONTROL the learning environment (1 Corinthians 14:40). Make it orderly, inviting, cheerful, comfortable, flexible.

I — INSPECT your self-discipline (Psalm 139:1, 23-24). Are you a good role model?

P — PLAN your time and lessons carefully (2 Timothy 2:15). Begin studying your next lesson the same day you teach your current one. Read through the lesson once each day. It will become natural to you.

L — LOVE them and LISTEN to them (John 13:1). Look beneath the surface and accept each child for who he is.

I — INVOLVE each student (James 1:22). Plan activities that require participation. Be sensitive to individual personalities and abilities.

N — NEVER lose self-control (Proverbs 14:29; 15:18). Don’t allow the unexpected to upset you. Be calm yet enthusiastic — Spirit controlled.

E — EVANGELIZE and educate (Matthew 18:14; 28:20; Proverbs 22:6). Keep your purpose always in view. Leading children to the Lord and discipling them is the bowttom line.

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