Fellowship With Believers

Introduction When believers give up fellowship with the world, they enter into the fellowship of all that fear God (Psalm 119:63) — a fellowship for which they are thankful (Philippians 1:3-5).   1.  Fellowship implies appreciation for the house of God (Psalms 55:14) and His Word (1 John 1:3). 2.  Fellowship implies agreement on important

Don’t Forget Discipline

D — DISCOVER your students (Proverbs 22:6). Train children “according to their bent.” See each child as a unique individual. I — INTERCEDE for them (1 John 5:14-15). Pray for each child by name. S — SET good standards (Philippians 3:12-14). Make rules simple and few, always based on biblical principles. Keep your word and


Visual Aids help the teacher to accomplish his/her purpose in teaching: Making the Word of God so plain that it is easily: Understood, Received, Believed, & Acted upon. Variety helps accomplish those purposes in the following ways. They: Arouse interest. Hold attention. Furnish information. Make learning: Faster, More Enjoyable & More Permanent. Make obscure points


PETER who denied the Lord with curses, is the pastor of this church. MATTHEW and ZACCHAUS, who were collaborators of questionable honesty, are also shepherds. THOMAS, the unbeliever. PABLO, who consented to Esteban’s murder. MARK, the deserter. They are all leaders. MARIA MAGDALENA, freed from 7 demons, is also in the group. THE HARLOT WOMAN,


Imagine a bank that agrees to credit your personal account with $86,400 each morning. The only stipulation they make is that they will carry over no balance from day to day — every evening they will delate whatever balance you failed to use during the previous day. What would you do? My guess is that


A very beautiful story is related of a boat out at sea carrying in it a father and his little daughter. As they were steering for the shore they were overtaken by a violent storm, which threatened to destroy them. The coast was dangerous. The mother lighted a lamp and started up the worn stairway

Parable: God is Perfect

A king who did not believe in the goodness of God, had a slave who, in all circumstances, said: My king, do not be discouraged, because everything God does is perfect, no mistakes. One day they went hunting, and along the way a wild animal attacked the king. His slave managed to kill the animal,