
There’s a little thing called conscienceAnd it lives inside of you,And it’s always asking questions,Of the things you say and do. Like the time it asked the reasonWhy you went and told that lie,And it’s not much use you fibbingFor it knows the reason why. Like that certain place you went to,When its voice came

Horse Sense

“In shooing flies or hauling freightIt’s wiser to cooperate,For better jobs are sooner doneIf two take hold and work as one. Now, that’s a truth all horses know,They learned it centuries ago.When days are hot, and flies are thickCooperation does the trick. One tail, on duty at the rear,Can’t reach the fly behind the ear,But


Today, upon a bus, I saw a girl with golden hairI looked at her and sighed and wished I was as fair.When suddenly she rose to leave,I saw her hobble down the aisle.She had one leg and used a crutch.But as she passed, she passed a smile. Oh, God, forgive me when I whine.I have

Pass It On

When you get a special blessing     Through some tract or little book,Do not leave it idly lying     In a soon forgotten nook.There are others to be watered     Other hungry souls to feed;Why not seek to spread the blessing     That has reached you in your need?With its freshness yet upon you,     Ere the first glad glow


Greatest man in history named Jesus,Had no servants, yet they called Him Master.Had no degree, yet they call Him Teacher.Had no medicines, yet they called Him Healer. He had no army, yet kings feared Him.He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world.He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him.He was buried in a

Poem — There Will Always be our God

They cannot shell His temple, Nor dynamite His throne, They cannot bomb His City, Nor rob Him of His own. They cannot take Him captive, Nor strike Him deaf or blind, Nor starve Him to surrender, Nor make Him change His mind. They cannot cause Him panic, Nor cut off His supplies; They cannot take


A builder builded a temple; He wrought with care and skill. Pillars and groins and arches Were fashioned at his will. Men said, when they saw its beauty; “It shall never know decay. Great is thy skill, O builder, Thy fame shall endure for aye.” A teacher builded a temple; She wrought with skill and


A – God’s love is from above, To help us to love, G — God’s love gives grace, To make Heaven our place, A — God’s love is for all Who upon Him will call. P — God’s love gives peace; From sin brings release. E — God’s love — you cannot earn. It’s a gift —


“In shooing flies or hauling freight It’s wiser to cooperate, For better jobs are sooner done If two take hold and work as one. Now, that’s a truth all horses know, They learned it centuries ago, When days are hot, and flies are thick Cooperation does the trick. One tail, on duty at the rear,