The next time you feel like GODcan’t use YOU, just remember…. Noah was a drunk.Abraham was too old.Isaac was a daydreamer.Jacob was a liar.Leah was ugly.Joseph was abused.Moses had a stuttering problem.Gideon was afraid.Sampson had long hair and was a womanizer.Rahab was a prostitute.Jeremiah and Timothy were too young.David had an affair and was a

Bible Conundrums

Q.     When is money first mentioned in the Bible?A.     When the dove brought a greenback to the Ark. Q.     Who is the first man mentioned in the Bible?A.     Chap. 1. Q.     When is high financing first mentioned in the Bible?A.     When Pharoah’s daughter took a little prophet from the bullrushes. Q.     When was

10 Things God Can’t Do

God can’t get tired. (Isaiah 40:28) God can’t take a job He can’t handle. (Jeremiah 23:17) God can’t be unholy. (Isaiah 6:3) God can’t be prejudiced. (Acts 10:34-35) God can’t break a promise. (Psalm 89:34) God can’t remember sins he’s chosen to forget. (Isaiah 43:25) God can’t make a loser. (2 Corinthians 2:14) God can’t