“Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase.” Job 8:7. Read James 3:1-5 Benjamin Franklin once said, “Little strokes fell great oaks!” It is truly amazing how many large and important things have come from small beginnings. Did you know that a man conceived the idea for making the huge zeppelin


A – God’s love is from above, To help us to love, G — God’s love gives grace, To make Heaven our place, A — God’s love is for all Who upon Him will call. P — God’s love gives peace; From sin brings release. E — God’s love — you cannot earn. It’s a gift —


I was at the grocery store this morning and heard a loud crash and something shattering. Being nosy, I walked towards the sound and saw some people whispering and looking back to the end of the next aisle. When I walked down that aisle, I saw an older lady had hit a shelf containing dishes


“In shooing flies or hauling freight It’s wiser to cooperate, For better jobs are sooner done If two take hold and work as one. Now, that’s a truth all horses know, They learned it centuries ago, When days are hot, and flies are thick Cooperation does the trick. One tail, on duty at the rear,


The still voice of conscience, In some, must have a tizzy, Fro every time it wants to speak, The line is always busy. By Arthur Slater


There’s a little thing called conscience And it lives inside of you, And it’s always asking questions, Of the things you say and do. Like the time it asked the reason Why you went and told that lie, And it’s not much use you fibbing, For it knows the reason why. Like that certain place


1. Know it in the head, Stow it in the heart, Show it in the life, Sow it in the world; 2. Read it to be wise, Believe it to be safe, Practice it to be holy. 3. Read it — Slowly, Frequently, Prayerfully, Reverently; 4. Dig it up, Write it down, Pray it in,