Psalm 147:4: “He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name.”

It is estimated that there are more stars than there are single grains of sand on all the beaches of the world! According to the late physicist Albert Einstein, there must be at least ten octillion stars in the universe. (That’s the figure ten followed by 27 zeros!) Yet God calls each one of these by a special, individual name!

Years ago, Dr. Walter L. Wilson, a famed Christian physician and preacher, was visiting an international exposition where the world’s largest dictionary was on display. In his characteristic way Wilson asked the attendant, “How many words are in that book?”

After a moment’s hesitation the attendant replied, “Oh, I estimate about 800,000.”

“That’s too bad,” said the doctor disappointedly.

The man in charge of the dictionary booth eyed him curiously.

“What’s the matter, aren’t 800,000 words enough?”

“Why, no,” rejoined Wilson, “not nearly enough!”

By this time the attendant began to wonder what sort of a crank confronted him. Dr. Wilson, however, was only cleverly building up to the point where he could voice a word of testimony.

“You see, Sir,” he explained, “in Psalm 147 we read that God, who made the stars, called them all by name. Now where in the world would you get enough names for those uncounted billions of stars when you have only 800,000 words in your dictionary?”

The attendant was sobered and impressed, and Dr. Wilson was able to speak to him of God’s equally great love which sent the Savior to rescue needy sinners.

“In the light of present knowledge, it has been estimated that we would need over 12 sextillion dictionaries, containing 800,000 words each, to have enough vocabulary just to name the stars the Lord created!” It is reassuring to know that so wise and great a God loves you and me~

Study nature: It is a friend of truth and a finger that points to God!

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