1. 75% of young adults say they “are unsure of their purpose in life.”
  2. 50% have one or more types of mental illness such as …… “anxiety or depression.”
  3. 50% of young adults say that there is “no absolute value associated with human life.”
  4. Three-fourths of Millenials believe: “Whatever is right for your life or works best for you is the only truth you can know!”
  5. Among Christians the “No Judgment Allowed” mindset is growing in popularity.
  6. (Barna/Summit) found that self-identified Christian churchgoers under age 45 were four times as likely as older generations to agree that: “If your belief offends someone or hurts their feelings, it is wrong.”
  7. Only 6% of young adults agreed that: “Moral truth is absolute.”
  8. Note: Let’s be clear about what this means. It does not mean that everyone now embraces a gauzy spirit of “live and let live.” Our age is as judgmental as any other. However, we are judging against a shifting standard. We are leaning on the “Zeitgeist” — the Spirit of the Age — rather than the truth.
  9. Up to 75% of the population say they “hold views they are unwilling to share, out of concern that they will be socially shamed or lose their jobs.”
  10. “Reality is what it is,” truth proponents often say in exasperation. Yet even the idea of reality is under attack.
  11. Truth is something worth having well-formed convictions about. Much is at stake.

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