A very beautiful story is related of a boat out at sea carrying in it a father and his little daughter. As they were steering for the shore they were overtaken by a violent storm, which threatened to destroy them. The coast was dangerous. The mother lighted a lamp and started up the worn stairway to the attic window. “It won’t do any good, mother,” the son called after her. But the mother went up, put the light in the window, knelt beside it and prayed. Out in the storm the daughter  saw a glimmer of gold on the water’s edge. “Steer for that,” the father said. Slowly but steadily, they came toward the light, and at last were anchored in the little sheltered cottage by the harbor.

“Thank God!” cried the mother, as she heard their glad voices, and came down the stairway with a lamp in her hand. “How did you get here?” she said.

“We steered by mother’s light,” answered the daughter, “although we did not know what it was out there.”

“Ah,” thought the boy, a wayward boy, “it is time I was steering by my mother’s light.” And ere he slept he surrendered himself to God and asked him to guide him over life’s rough sea. Months went by, and disease smote him. “He can’t live long,” was the verdict of the doctor; and, one stormy night he lay dying. “Do not be afraid for me,” he said, as they wept; “I shall make the harbor, for I am steering by my mother’s light.” — “Sent of God.”

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