“Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase.” Job 8:7.

Read James 3:1-5

Benjamin Franklin once said, “Little strokes fell great oaks!” It is truly amazing how many large and important things have come from small beginnings. Did you know that a man conceived the idea for making the huge zeppelin after observing a shirt waving on a clothesline, or that a spiderweb strung across a garden path was the inspiration for the suspension bridge? A teakettle singing on the stove suggested the steam engine, a lantern seen swinging in a tower, the pendulum clock, and an apple falling from a tree, the discovery of the law of gravity? Yes, little things often have large consequences!

Some years ago a farmer from southern Illinois, very plainly dressed, came to the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago and casually asked if they would mind if he looked around. A very gracious student was assigned as his escort and he was given an extended tour of the buildings. Everyone was especially kind to him, although he was a total stranger. On returning home, he wrote a letter to the Institute commending them for the excellent Christian spirit he had found displayed there, and enclosed a check for $20,000! The gift was completely unexpected, for they had wondered if the man had even sufficient pocket money to buy his dinner. Yet folks at the Institute had been faithful in the “little things” of common courtesy and Christian love, and the end result brought much blessing.

Grasp the small opportunities that will throng your path in this day, make each word and deed count for Jesus, and you will find on that great accounting day that “though thy beginning was small,” yet thy latter end shall be greatly increased in reward and blessing!

— H.G.B.

The Master has need of the little things,
There are none too slight or small,
He adds His own blessing and makes them great —
And uses them one and all.

— Holloway.

THOT: Despise not small opportunities, they are often the beginnings of great enterprises!

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