Daniel & the Hebrew Children

1.      Daniel and other choice young men were taken to Babylon to serve in the royal court of what king?

2.     What were the new names given to Daniel’s three Hebrew friends?

3.     What kind of diet did Daniel and his three friends choose rather than consuming the king’s rich food and wine? 

4.      What happened to Daniel and his friends after Daniel interpreted Nebuchadnezzar’s dream?

5.     Why were Daniel’s three friends thrown into the fiery furnace? 

6.     What did the king see in the blazing furnace that led him to release the three men and praise their God? 

7.     What did the handwriting on the wall tell Daniel would happen to King Belshazzar’s kingdom? 

8.     What was Daniel’s daily prayer practice during the reign of Darius? 

9.    How was Daniel delivered from the lion’s den?

10.   Who appeared to Daniel while he was confessing Iral’s sins and praying for Jerusalem to be rebuilt and for the temple to be restored? 

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