Johnny Goes to Sunday School

Johnny had come home after his first day of Sunday School.

“Johnny,” said his mother, “ how did you like Sunday school and what did you learn?”

“I liked it very much,” said Johnny. “The teacher told us about a country called Egypt. They had a lot of Jewish slaves, they worked them very hard and the harder they worked them, the harder they punished them. Finally the Jews could take it no longer, so they called out to God to deliver them from their bondage.

God hard their plea. He called to Moses on his intercom and said, ‘Moses, get your man, go to Egypt and free the Jews.’ Moses rounded up his commandos, put them in a jet and flew over to Egypt.

They stormed the palace, confronted the Pharaoh and ordered him to let the Jews go. Seeing the commandos and their automatic rifles trained on him, he told Moses to take the Jews and go. So Moses rounded up all the Jews and their belongings and they left Egypt. They traveled through the desert and finally came to the Red Sea.

For a while they were stymied, then Moses called his engineers and ordered them to build a pontoon bridge. When the bridge was completed, the Jews crossed to the other side. When they got to the other side Moses looked back and saw the Egyptians coming after them. Moses realized that if the Egyptians should catch up with them there would be a might and a lot of people would be killed. So he ordered his pilots to go up in the jet and drop a bomb on the bridge. Just as the Egyptians got to the center of the bridge, the pilots dropped the bomb and blew the bridge and the Egyptians to smithereens.

“Johnny,” said his mother, “is that the way the Sunday school teacher told the story?”

“Nah,” said Johnny. “The way he told it, you would never believe it.”

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